Thursday, May 13, 2010

Confined to Barracks

Ok, bad joke, bad karma. Janet started vomiting at about 9.30 last night which was, fortunately, fifteen minutes after she left the dinner table.

We got a nurse to the cabin about 1.30am and, after I’d impolitely pointed out she’d been quite a long time for a 911 (It’s an American boat), she said that the team had done sixty so far night with another twenty left to visit. I don’t think we were supposed to know that. The Captain has told us for the last 3 days that the outbreak is being contained with similar levels of new cases so the total affected must now run into hundreds. Anyway she stopped being sick at about 2.00am partly due to the injection she had in the bum and mainly due to the fact that she was empty.

The hit squad have been in to do a shallow deep clean and we (I’m OK so far) are confined to the cabin for 48hours. There’s time off for good behaviour but I’m not doing too well in that area. Special diets are available though room service, at least they would be if they would answer the phone. They’re not stupid; there are a lot of sick people out there.

The bill was in the mail box this evening. Yes seriously - $111. They sailed with a Norovirus outbreak from the last cruise obviously still active, they made people ill, they asked everyone to report illness and then they charged them for medical inattention. Think about it; say a minimum of 100 cases per day, that’s $11,000 for four Nurses. “Cruise Line Profits from Norovirus”– The Mail will love it, even proper papers will find it hard to resist, but remember - you heard it first on this Blog.

Janet’s made me promise not to kill anyone till she’s better but she’s improved amazingly and I think she’ll be fine tomorrow. I can hardly wait.

Dave C

1 comment:

  1. Hope Janet is feeling better by now. How can they charge? Reading the forums, it seems like it is now a P&O policy to charge too. Fred didn't charge us when I got NV on the New World discovery. And they didn't have it onboard until we left New York, so it was a passenger's fault, not an unclean ship! In addition, if you stick the their rules and stay confined, then you actually get a discount to use on a future cruise for the time you spend in your cabin.

    By taking that attitude, I think it is probably easier to keep the outbreak under control. We even heard that some people claim to have it on sea days (when they haven't), so that they can get money off a future cruise! And that was from one of the doctors on board!

    Enjoy the rest of the cruise anyway - weather here is cold so you aren't missing much!
